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What is Reiki?

This translates as ‘Universal Life Energy.’ It is a safe and non-invasive ‘healing’ technique, developed from the early 1920’s by Mikao Usui in Japan.

It is a system working on the body and mind with the intention of harmonising your energy system to enable your body to heal itself in a physical, mental and spiritual way.

It also works with energy pathways called the meridians and the chakras.

Daily life and emotions can disrupt this energy creating ‘energy blocks’ which can affect our physical and mental health. Both Reiki and Acupuncture can help to clear these blocks.

What are the benefits- how can it help me?

By rebalancing your energies, you are more able to let go of tension, anxiety, fear or negative feelings that are disrupting your inner peace and calm. You may feel calm and serene, better able to cope, more positive and less affected by stressful people and situations. Or feeling re-energised as if a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

It may lead to health improvements and greater clarity for decisions you have been avoiding.

It is highly regarded and used regularly in many large NHS hospitals as an accepted complementary therapy.

What Happens during Reiki?

You will be fully dressed (apart from removing footwear) and lie on a couch where you can go to sleep if you choose. I will channel healing energy through my hands by directly placing my hands on specific points on your head and body or slightly above it throughout the session. A natural and safe technique with therapeutic touch helps you to feel connected.

Who can it help?

  • It’s safe and beneficial for people of every age and for fertility support, pregnancy, menopause or general wellness.

  • If trying to conceive it may help with stress relief, anxiety or insomnia.

  • If you are pregnant it may help with nausea, pain in your foot, hip, ligaments, neck or lower back, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue or difficulty sleeping.

  • After baby is born, it may help with symptoms related to breast feeding, such as sore nipples or ‘after-pains’, making breastfeeding uncomfortable,  a healing episiotomy, feeling anxious or overwhelmed, or when you just need some ‘time-out’ from all of your responsibilities.

  • I have used it extensively on people with pain to great effect and also on my family pets.

    How I can help you?

    I trained as a practitioner in 2007 then to Master Teacher level in 2015. I have used Reiki on myself and family, multiple people in the community and in clinics, and in an NHS hospital. My original practitioner training was in western type Reiki. When I decided to train to Master teacher level I chose Reiki Evolution, which is more eastern-based and closer to the original practice of Mikao Usui.

    Reiki is currently offered by Lesley and prices start from £60. For more details on pricing or general enquires please see below:

Get In touch with Lesley here

