

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Many people are surprised to learn that we are in a light hypnotic trance several times a day: when we are reading a book; listening to music; daydreaming; concentrating on a task of any kind;  playing a sport; dancing; creating a work of art.  

All hypnosis is 'Self Hypnosis,' and is a deeply relaxed state of mind.

We are not asleep and cannot get 'stuck' in hypnosis.  Hypnosis by-passes the conscious 'chattering mind' to access the subconscious mind where all of our memories and wisdom are stored. Using hypnosis and positive language, we are able to make beneficial changes in our lives, by thinking of solutions, overcoming fear and anxiety. 

The deeply relaxing nature of Hypnotherapy leads to changes in our body, to help to reduce the negative effects of stress, and promoting healthy beliefs, well-being, find strengths we may not be aware of, and achieve goals.

It is a popular and safe technique often used to overcome anxiety, phobias, insomnia, weight and pain management, stopping smoking, fertility issues, birth, surgery, IBS, the list goes on.

I offer a range of modalities including NLP coaching, EFT, and Mindfullness-based Psycho-Hypnotherapy. I am a registered member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy NCH

What Is Hypnotherapy Used For?

Hypnotherapy is often used to help with anxiety and phobias; aid sleeping; change attitudes to weight; stop smoking; and help people manage pain.  Hypnobirthing is a popular technique for Childbirth (see Hypnobirthing page). Hypnotherapy is consistently effective in reducing women's anxiety about Childbirth (Landolt & Milling 2011); altering their perception of pain in labour, and instilling self-confidence to improve coping abilities (Abbasi et al 2009); and may contribute to a reduced need for analgesia in the first stage of labour (Vander Vusse et al 2007).

Hypnotherapy has been used effectively for thirty years for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and NICE recommends its use. 

Hypnotherapy is a supportive technique for couples  with Fertility issues at any stage on that journey. In fact, studies have shown that pre-conceptually, hypnotherapy is beneficial for improving success rate and not contraindicated during investigative or IVF procedures [Prof E Levitas 2004].  A therapeutic listening ear can help to reduce stress and help people to find solutions. Hypnotherapy can support you in expressing your emotions, help transform negative thought patterns, reduce feelings of isolation and help you to relax and find confidence through coping strategies, re-establishing a sense of control in your life.

Lesley has undertaken extra training in Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (see IBS Network); Pain Management; Weight Management; Smoking Cessation; Fertility Hypnosis; and Hypnobirthing classes.Lesley also offers 'Virtual Gastric Band' Hypnotherapy as part of a Weight Management programme.Lesley, as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Life Coach, is a registered member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy, MNCH, Hypnobirthing Association, MHbA.

Lesley is a qualified Easibirthing Fertility Hypnosis Practitioner and offers private hypnotherapy sessions for Fertility/Pre-Conception issues to help you make the right decisions for you wherever you are on your journey.

Courses include gentle and relaxing hypnosis, EFT, coaching, and dietary advice in a safe and confidential environment to support you in making the best decisions for you.

Tokophobia (Fear of Childbirth)

It is important to recognise that not all fears around pregnancy and childbirth mean that you have Tokophobia. All women hope for a joyful, positive birth experience, yet fear of childbirth can be severe enough to avoid pregnancy altogether and affect intimate relationships. 

Primary Tokophobia usually develops during childhood and adolescence, and may extend well beyond menopause; and Secondary Tokophobia follows a previous pregnancy or birth experience. It also affects men.

It can lead to insomnia, nightmares, eating disorders, relationship difficulties at home or work, panic attacks, anxiety or depression, difficulty in concentrating or how you relate to your baby following their birth. 

Facing your fears in a supportive environment, using relaxation, mindfulness and hypnosis helps you to gain confidence and feeling calm and empowered.

If you are already pregnant, using hypnobirthing with self-hypnosis relaxation, mindful breathing, visualisations and pain management, aims to manage your fear and expectations and build new levels of confidence for a positive birth experience. 

You are not alone and you haven’t failed. Rediscover your resilience and feel validated.

Hypnotherapy is currently offered by Lesley and for more details on pricing and for general enquiries please use the contact details below:


Get in touch with Lesley here

